Russia Has a Vaccination Problem

In 2017, the Federal Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology reportedly determined that 48.7 percent of Russian children born in 2016 had not been vaccinated comprehensively and on the medically prescribed schedule.

When COVID-19 Really Is ‘Just Another Flu’

It’s hard to imagine a day when people will be as nonchalant about getting their COVID-19 vaccine as they are about getting their flu shot, but it is one possible future reality, experts say.

Why Businesses Must Help Build Trust in a Covid-19 Vaccine

Large numbers of people are suspicious of vaccines and currently unwilling to be vaccinated against Covid-19 once safe and effective vaccines are available. Given that achieving herd immunity as soon as possible depends on widespread immunization, educational campaigns must begin now to overcome this resistance. Some large employers — including Mastercard, Apple, and Google — are already trying to educate their employees. Others must follow suit.

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